How to Request Condo Questionnaires

How to Request a Condominium Questionnaire for Parkside Condominium:
Condominium questionnaires can be requested by lenders (banks), prospective owners, or by current owners (such as during a refinance).  To request a condominium questionnaire, send the form to:
Please be sure to include the form that you require we fill out; otherwise, we will use a standard Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Form 1077.
The fee for a condominium questionnaire depends on what needs to be included.  Please see the chart, below.  We do require payment BEFORE we complete a condominium questionnaire.
For any further questions, please call our office at 301-493-5100.
Condominium Questionnaire - Schedule of Fees
Last Updated November 2020

Questionnaire and COI $85.00
Questionnaire with COI and Budget $100.00
Questionnaire with COI, Budget, and By-laws $125.00


Check here for important information.

Looking for a form? Find it here.

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